Shattered Slab

A shattered slab is a PCC slab that is divided into four or more pieces by intersecting cracks. Shattered slabs are typically the result of overloading, inadequate support, or both. If all pieces or cracks are contained within a corner break, the distress is NOT categorized as a shattered slab; it is instead categorized as a severe corner break .

Severity Distress Example Description
Low Overview photo showing a slab that is broken into four or five larger pieces.            The cracks that divide the pieces are low-severity cracks. Slab is broken into four or five pieces predominantly defined by low-severity cracks.
Medium Overview photo showing a slab that is broken into four or five larger pieces.            The cracks that divide the pieces are medium-severity cracks. One of the following conditions exists: (1) slab is broken into four or five pieces with over 15% of the cracks of medium severity (no high-severity cracks); (2) slab is broken into six or more pieces with over 85% of the cracks of low severity.
High Overview photo showing a slab that is broken into more than five pieces.            The cracks that divide the pieces are a combination of medium- and high-severity cracks. One of the following conditions exists: (1) slab is broken into four or five pieces with some or all cracks of high severity; (2) slab is broken into six or more pieces with over 15% of the cracks of medium or high severity.